Here below a list follows of the most important national and international projects for the growth of the G3O since 1998 where at least one G3O staff was involved:
2014-2015 FRIPP ( FRontal dynamics Influencing Phytoplankton Production and distribution during DCM period ): the TNA (Trans National Access; Agreement Nº 14/1211273) of the European project FP7 JERICO is realized in collaboration with the Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System (SOCIB) and CSIC-IMEDEA (Spain), that have made available a deep glider, able to get up to 1000 m deep, for an experiment in May 2014 in the Alboran Sea in coincidence with the strong density front at the eastern margin of the Eastern Alboran anticyclonic Gyre, named Almería-Orán Front. The project aims to study the impact of frontal dynamics on the phytoplankton production and distribution, as inferred from fluorometric measurements. Further, the mission will be accomplished in concomitance to another multi-platform (ship-based ctd, model, water samples) experiment that will contribute to have a wider and more complete database to study the processes of interest. link…
2016–2017 GLIDER-SOUTH (GLIDER missions in the SOUTHern Sicilian Channel): the TNA (Trans National Access; Agreement Nº xxx) of the European H2020 JERICO-NEXT project is realized in collaboration with the University of Malta (Physical Oceanography Research Group) and the French CNRS-INSU Glider National Facility (GNF), that has made available a deep glider, able to get up to 1000 m deep, for two experiments in March-April and June-August 2017 in the southern Sicily Channel between Malta and Libya. The project aims to study the hydrodynamics of an area where quantity and quality of oceanographic data is very low. link… | ![]() |
2014–2016 MAREFRAME: MareFrame seeks to remove the barriers preventing more widespread use of the ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management. This entails development of new tools and technologies, development and extension of ecosystem models and assessment methods, and development of a decision support framework that can highlight alternatives and consequences; all in close collaboration with the stakeholders in the co-creation processes. The vision of MareFrame is to significantly increase the use of ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management (EAFM) when providing advice relating to European fish stocks. The overall objective of MareFrame is to remove the barriers preventing more widespread use of EAFM. FP7 EC-funded RTD project. link… | ![]() |
2014-2015 MYOCEAN FOLLOW-ON (Pre-Operational Marine Service Continuity in Transition towards Copernicus) with the main objective to the continuation of the MyOcean2 project beeing the third and last milestone before the deployment of the future Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service in 2015. Funded by H2020-Adhoc-2014-20 Space (Grant agreement no: 633085) link… | |
2013–2017 COMMON SENSE (COST-EFFECTIVE SENSORS, INTEROPERABLE WITH INTERNATIONAL EXISTING OCEAN OBSERVING SYSTEMS, TO MEET EU POLICIES REQUIREMENTS): the COMMON SENSE project will contribute to support the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and other EU policies (e.g. Common Fisheries Policy), providing easily usable across several platforms, cost-effective, multi-functional innovative sensors to detect reliable in-situ measurements on key parameters by means of methodological standards. This proposal will focus, by means of a multidisciplinary and well-balanced consortium on eutrophication, contaminants, marine litter and underwater noise descriptors of the MSFD. The project is a Collaborative Project funded by EU FP7 (Grant agreement no: 614155). link… | ![]() |
2012–2017 RITMARE (The Italian research to Sea) : the project aims to implement what is suggested by the European Commission’s Blue Book (COM2007/575 of October 10, 2007), in research and innovation, through a multi-annual national research program of science and technology for the sea that is open to a wider participation of public and private actors. The project is divided into seven sub-projects: 1. Maritime Technologies; 2. Technologies for a Sustainable Fishery; 3. Planning of the Maritime Area along the Marine Coastline; 4. Planning of the Deep and the Open Sea Marine Environments; 5. Observing System of the Marine Mediterranean Environment; 6. Research Structures, Education and Dissemination; 7. Interoperable Infrastructure for the Observating Network and the marine data. The RITMARE flagship Project is funded by MIUR under the NRP 2011-2013, approved by the CIPE Resolution 2/2011 of 23.03.2011. link… |
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2012–2015 MEDESS4MS (Mediterranean Decision Support System for Marine Safety) : set up of an integrated real time operational oil spill forecasting service for the Mediterranean for national response agencies, REMPEC and EMSA. The multi-model oil spill forecasting system will provide tailored products to oil spill crisis management users, contributing substantially to maritime risks prevention and maritime safety. Funded by EU – MED programme (Ref : 4175 /2S-MED11-01). link… |
2012–2015 TESSA (TEchnology for the Situational Sea Awareness): strengthen and consolidate products and services of operational oceanography in South Italy and integrate them with technology platforms of dissemination of information for the knowledge of the marine environment. Funded by Italian Ministry of Research – MIUR (Unique Project Code PON01_02823; in collaboration with IAMC CNR Napoli).link… | |
2012–2014 IP-MyOcean2 (Prototype Operational Continuity for the GMES Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting Service): intends to develop, implement, validate and operate a robust and sustainable Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting component of the GMES Marine Service delivering ocean physical state and ecosystem information to intermediate and downstream users in the areas of marine safety, marine resources, marine/ coastal environment and climate, seasonal and weather forecasting. Funded by EU – VII FP SPACE (contract 283367). link… | |
2012-2013 GABS (Deep Glider Acquisitions between Balears and Sardinia): the TNA (Trans National Access; Agreement Nº 12/1210183) of the European project FP7 JERICO is realized in collaboration with the Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System (SOCIB) and CSIC-IMEDEA (Spain) , that have made available a deep glider, able to get up to 1000 m deep, for two experiments at the end of 2012 while the second at mid-2013. The project wants to identify the physical properties of the surface and intermediate water masses between Baleares and Sardinia with the aim of: i) study the variability of the physical properties of surface and intermediate water masses; ii) evaluate the transport of water, salt and heat; iii) validate the operational numerical model of the western Mediterranean.The glider will measure water temperature, conductivity and pressure up to 1000 m, then fluorescence, turbidity and dissolved oxygen up to 300 m in the transect Menorca – Oristano and return along lungo the latitude 39° 49.457’ N in about 49 days. link… | |
2011–2014 SSD PESCA (Decision support system for a sustainable management of fisheries in South Italy): the project aims at the development and implementation of technologies, tools and systems to promote responsible governance of fisheries and, at the same time, constitutes a useful tool to a new development of fisheries in the southern regions, which allows to combine profitability and eco-compatibility. Financing: art. 44, IT Law n. 191 of 23/12/2009. link… | |
2009–2012 IP-MyOcean (implementation project of the GMES Marine Core Service): deployment of the first concerted and integrated pan-European capacity for Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting. Funded by EU – VII FP (contract FP7-SPACE-2007-1 n. 218812). link… | |
2009–2011 SOS-Bonifacio: realization of an innovative numerical system to manage environmental emergencies for oil-spills in the Bocche di Bonifacio. Funded by the Italian Ministry of Environment (contract DEC/DPN 2291, 19/12/2008). link… | |
2008–2011 PREMPEM: forecast of the sea circulation in the Sicily Strait for fishing activities. Funded by the Italian Ministry of Research (MIUR). | |
2008–2010 PRIMI (Progetto Pilota Inquinamento Marino da Idrocarburi): forecast the evolution of an oil-spill in the Sicily Strait. Funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI). link… | |
2006–2008 SIGLA (Studio multidisciplinare dell’ambiente lagunare e marino costiero della laguna di Cabras e del Golfo di Oristano. Macrobjective CARLA): multidisciplinary coastal studies in the Oristano gulf and surrounding lagoons. Funded by the Italian Ministry of Research (MIUR) – PON, Module 6.7.1 (TA-P06-IAMC-C9). Partners CNR & Fondazione IMC Onlus. | |
2007–2010 IP-ECOOP (European COastal-shelf sea OPerational observing and forecasting system): production of analyses fields through the assimilation of in-situ data. Funded by EU – VI FP, Priority – 6.3 – Global Change and Ecosystems (contract 036355-2). Partner Fondazione IMC Onlus. link… | |
2006–2010 IP-SESAME (Southern European Seas : Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem Changes): converting individual data provider systems into a federation; Developing the technical components for data access; Preparing guidelines for model data originators. Funded by EU – VI FP, Priority – 6.3 – Global Change and Ecosystems (contract 036949-2). Partner Fondazione IMC Onlus. link… | |
2005–2006 INDOO (Indonesia Operational Oceanography System): pilot project to evaluate the building of an ocean operational system in the Indonesian Archipelago. Funded by EU – Indonesia Small Projects Facility in Economic Co-operation Programme (contract ASIE/2005/102-483). Partner Fondazione IMC Onlus. |
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2001–2005 MAMA (Mediterranean network to Assess and upgrade Monitoring and forecasting Activity in the region): realization of a Mediterranean network for the monitoring and forecasting of the sea; capacity building. Funded by EU – V FP, Thematic Networks (contract EVR1-CT-2001-20010). Partners CNR & Fondazione IMC Onlus. |
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2000–2003 SIMBIOS (SIstema per lo studio del Mare con Boa Integrata Off-Shore). Subproject 2. SOMI – Experimentation of a new marine Integrated Observation System, Activity 2. “Study of MAW and LIW variabilities in the Sardinian sea”. Funded by the Italian Ministry of Research (MIUR). Partners CNR & Fondazione IMC Onlus. | |
1998–2003 IP-MFS (Mediterranean Forecasting System) projects like MFSPP and MFSTEP: development of a sustainable pan-European system that includes the prediction of biogeochemical and ecosystem parameters for some European regional seas including the Mediterranean. Funded by EU – IV & V FPs, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (contracts MAS3-CT98–0171& EVK3-CT-2002-00075). Partner Fondazione IMC Onlus. link… |