

§ Coppini G., P. Marra, R. Lecci, N. Pinardi, S. Cretì, M. Scalas, L. Tedesco, A. D’Anca, L. Fazioli, A. Olita, G. Turrisi, C. Palazzo, G. Aloisio, S. Fiore, A. Bonaduce, Y. Kumkar, S. A. Ciliberti, I. Federico, G. Mannarini, P. Agostini, R. Bonarelli, S. Martinelli, G. Verri, L. Lusito, D. Rollo, A. Cavallo, A. Tumolo, T. Monacizzo, M. Spagnulo, R. Sorgente, A. Cucco, G. Quattrocchi, M. Tonani, M. Drudi, L. Panzera, A. Navarra, and G. Negro, (2016), SeaConditions: a web and mobile service for safer professional and recreational activities in the Mediterranean Sea, Special Issue: Situational sea awareness technologies for maritime safety and marine environment protection, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 7, doi:10.5194/nhess-2016-176, in evaluation

§ Ribotti A., De Dominicis M., (2016), Physical, chemical and biological observations and modelling of oil spills in the Mediterranean Sea, Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Special Issue: Investigate Oil Pollution, Elsevier (Ribotti A. & De Dominicis M. Guest Eds), ISSN 0967-0645, 133, 196 pp

§ Ribotti A., De Dominicis M., (2016), Physical, chemical and biological observations and modelling of oil spills in the Mediterranean Sea (Editorial), Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Special Issue: Investigate Oil Pollution, Elsevier (Ribotti A. & De Dominicis M. Guest Eds), doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.08.003, 133, 1-3

§ Zodiatis G., M. De Dominicis, L. Perivoliotis, H. Radhakrishnan, E. Georgoudis, M. Sotillo, R.W. Lardner, G. Krokos, D. Bruciaferri, E. Clementi, A. Guarnieri, A. Ribotti, A. Drago, E. Bourma, E. Padorno, P. Daniel, G. Gonzalez, C. Chazot, V. Gouriou, X. Kremer, S. Sofianos, J. Tintoré, P. Garreau, N. Pinardi, G. Coppini, R. Lecci, A. Pisano, R. Sorgente, L. Fazioli, D. Soloviev, S. Stylianou, A. Nikolaidis, X. Panayidou, A. Karaolia, A. Gauci, A. Marcati, L. Caiazzo, M. Mancini, (2016). The Mediterranean Decision Support System for Marine Safety dedicated to oil slicks predictions, Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Special Issue: Investigate Oil Pollution, Elsevier (Ribotti A. & De Dominicis M. Guest Eds), doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.07.014, 133, 4-20

§ De Dominicis M., D. Bruciaferri, R. Gerin, N. Pinardi, P.M. Poulain, P. Garreau, G. Zodiatis, L. Perivoliotis, L. Fazioli, R. Sorgente, C. Manganiello, (2016), A multi-model assessment of the impact of currents, waves and wind in modelling surface drifters and oil spill, Special Issue: Investigate Oil Pollution, Ribotti A. & De Dominicis M. Guest Eds, Deep-Sea Res. Part II, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.04.002, 133, 21-38

§ Sorgente, R., Tedesco, C., Pessini, F., De Dominicis, M., Gerin, R., Olita, A., Fazioli, L., Di Maio, A. and Ribotti, A. (2016), Forecast of drifter trajectories using a Rapid Environmental Assessment based on CTD observations, Special Issue: Investigate Oil Pollution, Ribotti A. & De Dominicis M. Guest Eds, Deep-Sea Res. Part II, 133, 39-53

§ Gonnelli, M., Galletti, Y., Marchetti, E., Mercadante, L., Retelletti Brogi, S., Ribotti, A., Sorgente, R., Vestri, S., Santinelli, C. (2016), Dissolved organic matter dynamics in surface waters affected by oil spill pollution: results from the Serious Game exercise, Special Issue: Investigate Oil Pollution, Ribotti A. & De Dominicis M. Guest Eds, Deep-Sea Res. Part II, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.05.027, 133, 88-99

§ Ribotti A., Tonani M., (2016), Operational oceanography, innovative technologies and applications, Journal of Operational Oceanography, Special Issue, A. Ribotti and M. Tonani Guest Eds, Print ISSN 1755-876X, Online 1755-8778, IMarEST Publ., 9 (S1), 233 pp.

§ Di Maio A., Martin M.V., Sorgente R., (2016), Evaluation of the Search and Rescue Leeway model into the Tyrrhenian sea: a new point of view, Special Issue: Situational sea awareness technologies for maritime safety and marine environment protection, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., doi:10.5194/nhess-16-1979-2016, 16, 7, 1979-1997

§ Cucco A., Quattrocchi G., Olita A., Fazioli L., Ribotti A., Sinerchia M., Tedesco C., Sorgente R., (2016). Hydrodynamic modelling of coastal seas: the role of tidal dynamics in the Messina Strait, Western Mediterranean Sea, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., Special Issue: Situational sea awareness technologies for maritime safety and marine environment protection, Copernicus Publ. (Eds. N. Pinardi, I. Federico, A. Olita, P. Marra, and R. Archetti), doi: 10.5194/nhess-16-1553-2016, 16, 7, 1553-1565

§ Cucco A., G. Quattrocchi, A. Satta, F. Antognarelli, F. De Biasio, E. Cadau, G. Umgiesser and S. Zecchetto (2016), Predictability of wind-induced sea surface transport in coastal areas. J. Geoph. Res.: Oceans, 121, 8, 5847?5871, DOI: 10.1002/2016JC011643

§ Ribotti A., Tonani M., (2016), Introduction to the proceedings of the Third Meeting of the Italian National Group for Operational Oceanography (GNOO 2013), Journal of Operational Oceanography: Special issue, (Ribotti A. & Tonani M. Guest Eds), IMarEST Publ.,, 9 (S1), s1–s2

§ Ribotti A., R. Sorgente, A. Olita, F. Orilia, M. Borghini, F. Reseghetti, (2016). Indication of recent warming process at intermediate level in the Tyrrhenian Sea from SOOP XBT measurements, Medit. Mar. Sci., 17/2, 467-483, doi:

§ Fazioli, L., Olita, A., Cucco, A., Tedesco, C., Ribotti, A. and Sorgente, R. (2016), Impact of different initialisation methods on the quality of sea forecasts for the Sicily Channel, Special Issue: Operational Oceanography, Innovative Technologies and Applications, Ribotti A. and Tonani M. Guest Eds, J. Oper. Ocean., 9, S1, doi:10.1080/1755876X.2015.1114804, s119-s130

§ Soupios P., Kokinou E., Di Fiore V., Punzo M., Tarallo D., Cavuoto G., Aiello G., Marsella E., Shimokawa S., Matsuura T., Sorgente R., Olita A., Drago A.F., Ribotti A., Fazioli L., Tedesco C., Minardo A., Coscetta A., Caccavale M., Esposito G., Matano F., Sacchi M., Somma R., Zeni G., Zeni L., (2016). Environmental Geophysics: Techniques, Advantages and Limitations. In: Geophysics: Principles, Applications and Emerging Technologies, Environmental Remediation Technologies Series, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, N.Y. (USA), Ed. G. Aiello, ISBN: 978-1-63484-831-2, 1-9

§ Sorgente R., A. Olita, A.F. Drago, A. Ribotti, L. Fazioli, C. Tedesco, (2016). Assessment of ocean variability in the Sicily Channel from a numerical three-dimensional model using EOFs decomposition, In: Geophysics: Principles, Applications and Emerging Technologies, Environmental Remediation Technologies Series, Regulations and Safety, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, N.Y. (USA), Ed. G. Aiello, ISBN: 978-1-63484-831-2, 45-54

§ Barton, J., González García, M.B., Hernández Santos, D., Fanjul-Bolado, P., Ribotti, A., McCaul, M., Diamond, D., Magni, P., (2016), Screen-printed electrodes for environmental monitoring of heavy metal ions: a review, Microchimica Acta, 183(2), 503-517, doi:10.1007/s00604-015-1651-0


§ Ribotti A., Bucci A., Reseghetti F., Ocean Monitoring From Ships of Opportunity in the Mediterranean Gathering Scientific Marine Data From Instruments on Commercial Ships, 2015, Sea Technology, 56, 6

§ Sorgente, R., Tedesco, C., Ribotti, A., Di Maio, A., Satta, A., Olita, A., Pessini, F. and Fazioli, L. (2015), Caratterizzazione idrodinamica del Golfo di Cagliari mediante misure lagrangiane, Rapporto Tecnico Report. IAMC-CNR, Oristano, CNRSOLAR database, URI:, codice 6538TR2015, 10 pp.

§ Ribotti A., Magni P., Schroeder K., McCaul M., Diamond D., Mireno B., Barton J., (2015), New cost-effective, interoperable sensors tested on existing ocean observing platforms in application of European directives: The COMMON SENSE European project, Proceedings of OCEANS 2015 – Genova, 18-21 May 2015, IEEE Publ., doi: 10.1109/OCEANS-Genova.2015.7271340, 1-9

§ Olita, A., Iermano, I., Fazioli, L., Ribotti, A., Tedesco, C., Pessini, F., and Sorgente, R., (2015), Impact of currents on surface flux computations and their feedback on dynamics at regional scales, Ocean Sci., 11, 657-666, doi:10.5194/os-11-657-2015

§ Palmas F., P. Addis, S. Cabiddu, D. Cuccu, M. C. Follesa, M. Mura, A. Olita, P. Pesci, A. Sabatini, Distribution of spawning and nursery grounds for deep-water red shrimps in the central-western Mediterranean Sea, (2015). Medit. Mar. Sci., DOI: 10.12681/mms.859, 16 (1), 117-127


§ Olita A., S. Sparnocchia, S. Cusí, L. Fazioli, R. Sorgente, J. Tintoré, and A. Ribotti, (2014), Observations of phytoplankton spring bloom onset triggered by a density front in NW Mediterranean, Ocean Science, 10, 4, 657-666, doi:10.5194/os-10-667-2014

§ Cleary, J., McCaul, M., Diamond, D., Lassoued, Y., Gonzalez Garcia, M.B., Ribotti, A., Dìez, C., Rovira, C., Sàez, J., Challiss, M., (2014), COMMON SENSE: Cost-effective sensors, interoperable with international existing ocean observing systems, to meet EU policies requirements, Sensor Systems for a Changing Ocean (SSCO), IEEE Conference Publications, 1-7, DOI: 10.1109/SSCO.2014.7000384

§ Quattrocchi, G., De Mey, P., Ayoub, N., Vervatis, V.D., Testut, C.E., Reffray, G., Chanut, J., Drillet, Y., (2014). Characterisation of errors of a regional model of the Bay of Biscay in response to wind uncertainties: a first step toward a data assimilation system suitable for coastal sea domains. Journal of Operational Oceanography 7 (2), 25-34

§ Ferrarin, C., Bajo, M., Bellafiore, D., Cucco, A., De Pascalis, F., Ghezzo, M., Umgiesser, G., (2014). Toward homogenization of Mediterranean lagoons and their loss of hydrodiversity. Geophysical Research Letters 41 (16), 5935-5941

§ Simeone S., G. De Falco, G. Quattrocchi, A. Cucco. (2014). Morphological changes of a Mediterranean beach over one year (San Giovanni Sinis, western Mediterranean). Journal of Coastal Research, 217-222

§ Umgiesser G., C. Ferrarin, A. Cucco, F. De Pascalis, D. Bellafiore, M. Ghezzo, M. Bajo. (2014). Comparative hydrodynamics of 10 Mediterranean lagoons by means of numerical modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (4), 2212-2226

§ Ribotti A., De Dominicis M., Drago A.F., Service in support to oil spill emergencies in the Mediterranean, (2014). Sea Technology, 55, 11, 43-45

§ Olita A., S. Sparnocchia, S. Cusí, L. Fazioli, R. Sorgente, J. Tintoré, and A. Ribotti, (2014), Observations of phytoplankton spring bloom onset triggered by a density front in NW Mediterranean, Ocean Science, 10, 4, 657-666.

§ De Dominicis, M., Falchetti, S., Trotta, F., Pinardi, N., Giacomelli, L., Napolitano, E., Fazioli, L., Sorgente, R., J.Haley Jr., P., F. J. Lermusiaux, P., Martins, F., Cocco, M., (2014). A relocatable ocean model in support of environmental emergencies – The Costa Concordia emergency case, Ocean Dynamics, 64, 5, 667–688.


§ A. Ribotti, A. Cucco, A. Olita, M. Sinerchia, L. Fazioli, A. Satta, M. Borghini, K. Schroeder, A. Perilli, B. Sorgente, R. Sorgente, (2013), An integrated operational system for the Coast Guard management of oil spill emergencies in the Strait of Bonifacio, In: Sustainable Operational Oceanography, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on EuroGOOS, 4–6 October 2011, Sopt, Poland, H. Dahlin, (N.C. Flemming, S.E. Petersson ed.), 308-320

§ Olita A., A. Ribotti, L. Fazioli, A. Perilli, R. Sorgente, (2013). Surface circulation and upwelling in the western Sardinia sea: a numerical study, Continental Shelf Research, 71, 95-108.

§ Olita A., S. Sparnocchia, S. Cusí, L. Fazioli, R. Sorgente, J. Tintoré, and A. Ribotti, (2013). Observations of phytoplankton spring bloom onset triggered by a density front in NW Mediterranean, Ocean Sci. Discuss., 10, 5, 1559-1580 (under review for the journal Ocean Science)

§ Ferrarin C., A. Roland, M. Bajo, G. Umgiesser, A. Cucco, S. Davolio, A. Buzzi, P. Malguzzi, O. Drofa, (2013). Tide-surge-wave modelling and forecasting in the Mediterranean Sea with focus on the Italian coast, Ocean Modelling, 61, 38-48

§ Ferrarin C., A. Bergamasco, G. Umgiesser, A. Cucco, (2013). Hydrodynamics and spatial zonation of the Capo Peloro coastal system (Sicily) through 3-D numerical modelling, Journal of Marine Systems, 117-118, 96-107

§ Coppa S, de Lucia GA, Magni P, Domenici P, Antognarelli F, Satta A, Cucco A., (2013). The effect of hydrodynamics on shell orientation and population density of Pinna nobilis in the Gulf of Oristano (Sardinia, Italy). Journal of Sea Research, 76: 201-210


§ Canu, DM., C Solidoro, G Umgiesser, A Cucco, C Ferrarin, (2012). Assessing confinement in coastal lagoons. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64 (11), 2391-2398

§ Cucco, A., Sinerchia, M., Lefrançois, C., Magni, P., Ghezzo, M., Umgiesser, G., Perilli, A., Domenici, P., (2012). A metabolic scope based model of fish response to environmental changes Ecological Modelling, 237-238, pp. 132-141

§ Jørgensen, C., Peck, M.A., Antognarelli, F., Azzurro, E., Burrows, M.T., Cheung, W.L., Cucco, A., Holt, R.E., Huebert, K.B., Marras, S., McKenzie, D.J., Metcalfe, J.D. Perez-Ruzafa, A., Sinerchia, M., Steffensen, J.F., Teal, L. and Domenici, P., (2012). Conservation Physiology of Marine Fishes: Advancing the predictive capacity of models. Biology letters. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2012.0609.

§ Ribotti A, Sinerchia M., Sorgente R., (2012). Graphical User Interface for Simulating and Analysing Oil Spills. Sea Technology, 53, 8, 37-40

§ Olita A., S. Dobricic, A. Ribotti, L. Fazioli, A. Cucco, C. Dufau, and R. Sorgente, (2012). Impact of SLA assimilation in the Sicily Channel Regional Model: model skills and mesoscale features, Ocean Science Special Issue, “The MyOcean project: scientific advances for operational ocean monitoring and forecasting”, Eds. P. Brasseur, M. Bell, J. A. Johannessen, P.-Y. Le Traon, and A. Schiller, 8, 4, 485-496

§ Cucco A., A. Ribotti, A. Olita, L. Fazioli, B. Sorgente, M. Sinerchia, A. Satta, A. Perilli, M. Borghini, K. Schroeder, and R. Sorgente, (2012). Oil spills prediction in the Bonifacio strait area, western Mediterranean, Ocean Science Special Issue, “The MyOcean project: scientific advances for operational ocean monitoring and forecasting”, Eds. P. Brasseur, M. Bell, J. A. Johannessen, P.-Y. Le Traon, and A. Schiller, 8, 4, 443-454

§ Cucco A., Sinerchia M., Ribotti A., Olita A., Fazioli L., Sorgente B., Perilli A., Borghini M., Schroeder K. Sorgente R., (2012). A high resolution real time forecasting system for predicting the fate of oil spills in the Strait of Bonifacio (western Mediterranean), Marine Pollution Bulletin, 64, 6, 1186–1200

§ Sorgente B., R. Sorgente, A. Olita, L. Fazioli, A. Cucco, A. Perilli, M. Sinerchia, A. Ribotti, (2012). Effects of protection rules and measures in an important international strait area: the Bonifacio Strait, Journal of Operational Oceanography, 5, 1, 35-44

§ Olita A., A. Cucco, S. Simeone, A. Ribotti, L. Fazioli, B. Sorgente, R. Sorgente, (2012).Oil spill hazard and risk assessment for the shorelines of a Mediterranean coastal archipelago, Ocean and Coastal Management, 57, 44-52


§ Sorgente R., A. Olita, P. Oddo, L. Fazioli, A. Ribotti, Numerical simulation and decomposition of kinetic energies in the central Mediterranean: insight on mesoscale circulation and energy conversion, (2011), Ocean Science, Special Issue: ECOOP (European Coastal-shelf sea Operational Observing and forecasting system Project), 7, 4, 503-519

§ Sorgente B., Olita A., Fazioli L., Cucco A., Sorgente R., Ribotti A., Le Bocche di Bonifacio, un paradiso da salvare. Supplemento al Notiziario della Guardia Costiera, (2011), Anno XIII, n. 45, agosto-ottobre 2011, Imago Ed., 11-16

§ Olita A., Sorgente R., Ribotti A., Fazioli L, Perilli A., Pelagic primary production in the Algero-Provençal Basin by means of multisensory satellite data: focus on interannual variability and its drivers, (2011), Ocean Dynamics, 61, 7, 1005-1016

§ De Falco G., De Muro S., Batzella T., Cucco A., Carbonate sedimentation and hydrodynamical pattern on a modern temperate shelf: the strait of Bonifacio (western Mediterranean), (2011), Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 93, 1, 14-26

§ Olita A., Ribotti A., Sorgente R., Fazioli L., Perilli A., SLA – chlorophyll-a variability and covariability in the Algero-Provençal Basin (1997-2007) through combined use of EOF and wavelet analysis of satellite data, (2011), Ocean Dynamics, 61, 1: 89–102


§ Ribotti A., Sorgente R., Fazioli L., Olita A., Hendiarti N., Frederik M.C.G., Sadly M., Syamsudin F., Djajadihardja Y.S., Hanggono A., Adi T.R., Farhan A.R., Subki B.A., Manzella G.M.R., Rupolo V., Ruti P., Fusco L., An operational approach to the ocean management in the Indonesian Archipelag, (2010), Journal of Operational Oceanography, 3, 1, 27-35

§ Ferrarin C., A. Cucco, G. Umgiesser, D. Bellafiore, C. L. Amos., Modelling fluxes of water and sediment between the Venice Lagoon and the sea, (2010), Continental Shelf Research, 30, 8, 904-914

§ Ribotti A, Borghini M., Sorgente R., ADCP Measurements in Protected Areas on Vessels of Opportunity. Sea Technology, (2010), 51, 3, 45-46


§ Schroeder K., Gasparini G.P., Borghini M., Ribotti A., Experimental evidences of the recent abrupt changes in the deep Western Mediterranean Sea, (2009), In: CIESM, 2009. Dynamics of Mediterranean deep waters. N° 38, Workshop Monographs [F. Briand, Ed.], 132 pages, Monaco , 51-56

§ Molinaroli, E., Guerzoni, S., Sarretta , A., Cucco, A.. Relationships between hydrodynamic parameters and grain size in two contrasting transitional environments: The Lagoons of Venice and Cabras, Italy. Sedimentary Geology, (2009), 219, 1-4, 196-207

§ Cucco Andrea, Georg Umgiesser, Cristian Ferrarin, Angelo Perilli, Donata Melaku Canu, Cosimo Solidoro. Eulerian & Lagrangian transport time scales of a tidal active coastal basin. Ecological Modelling, (2009), 220, 7, 913-922


§ Schroeder, K., A. Ribotti, M. Borghini, R. Sorgente, A. Perilli, and G. P. Gasparini, An extensive western Mediterranean deep water renewal between 2004 and 2006, (2008), Geophys. Res. Lett ., 35, L18605, doi:10.1029/2008GL035146

§ Santinelli C., Ribotti A., Sorgente R., Gasparini G.P. Nannicini L., Vignudelli S., Seritti A, Coastal dynamics and dissolved organic carbon in the western Sardinian shelf (Western Mediterranean), (2008), Journal of Marine Systems, 74, 1-2, 167-188

§ Ribotti A., Hanggono A., Manzella G.M.R., Hendiarti N., Fusco L., Adi T.R., Djajadihardja Y.S., Farhan A.R., Frederik M.C.G., Ma’ruf W.F., Realino B., Rupolo V., Ruti P., Sadly M., Syamsudin F., Sorgente R., Subki B.A., Operational oceanography in Indonesia, (2008), Asia Europe Journal, 6, 2, 277-292


§ Olita A., Sorgente R., Natale S., Gabersek S., Ribotti A., Bonanno A., and Patti B., Effects of the 2003 European heatwave on the Central Mediterranean Sea: surface fluxes and the dynamical response, (2007), Ocean Science, Special Issue, 3, 273-289

§ Gabersek S., R. Sorgente, S. Natale, A. Ribotti, A. Olita, M. Astraldi, and M. Borghini, The Sicily Channel Regional Model forecasting system: initial boundary conditions sensitivity and case study evaluation, (2007), Ocean Science, Special Issue , 3, 31-41


§ Natale S., R. Sorgente, S. Gaberšek, A. Ribotti, and A. Olita Central Mediterranean Sea forecast: effects of high-resolution atmospheric forcings, (2006), Ocean Sci. Discuss., 3, 3, 637-669

§ Cucco A., Perilli A., de Falco G. Umgiesser G., A Finite Element Model for the Gulf of Oristano. (2006), Chemistry & Ecology, 22, 1, 307-331

§ Puillat I., R. Sorgente, A. Ribotti, S. Natale, V. Echevin, Westward branching of LIW induced by Algerian anticyclonic eddies close to the Sardinian slope, (2006), Chemistry and Ecology, 22, S1, S293 – S305