Found inside – Page 87The July 95 94 50 44 bin , general manager , Peterborough Util- significant facts are as follows : Rainfall August 93 90 43 ... Mean temperatures were higher 67 53 21 questions : 6 December 57 54 - 2 -13 ( a ) How much was the amount of in ... Found insideProbably a prolonged period of frost with extreme temperatures below −20°Cto ... vineyards Average lowestin Extreme lowest in Average temperature Average ... Found inside – Page 66Unfortunately , there have been no weather reporting stations located in Northumberland for any length of time . I have therefore used the averages of the readings from the stations located at Toronto , Port Hope , Peterborough , Deseronto ... Found inside – Page 152South Midland Counties ; but Uxbridge , Peterborough , Hunting | Dr . SEPTIMUS GIBBON , of 7 , Liverpool . street ... The mean temperature of the month of and whither a great number repaired to assist in the conclusion November was 48 . Found inside – Page 40Nitrite plus nitrate ( mg / L ) Enluont ' Influent , annual average A plug flow assumption is believed to be valid for these long detention time , multiple - cell , facultative ponds . ... pH.1 ) ( 1 ) No Note : This is final effluent from the three cell systems at Peterborough , Kilmichael , and Eudora , plus effluent ... L k = first order reaction rate constant , a function of temperature ( T ) , detention time ( 1 ) , and pH . Found inside – Page 490Parsons is city engineer of Peterborough . back , and when the temperature of the ring had fallen to 42 deg . F. , the average local temperature , the temporary Lightning Rods and Fire Losses hinges were concreted over , fixing them against ... Found inside – Page 410.272 Average temperature .... 45.87 43.02 45.44 42.70 41.14 43.71 41.67 Difference from average ( 51 years ) + 1.74 + 0.89 + 1.31 1.43 1 + 0.01 0.42 - 2.56 Thermic anom ily ( Lat . 43 ° 40 ' ) - 5.15 - 6.00 ... Victoria Peterborough . Haliburton ... Found inside – Page 835would be lethal to trout acclimatized to normal river temperatures and that some ... ( 3 ) Staythorpe ; ( 4 ) Peterborough ; ( 5 ) Castle Donington 1959 ... Found inside – Page 835would be lethal to trout acclimatized to normal river temperatures and that ... ( 2 ) Castle Donington 1958 ; ( 3 ) Staythorpe ; ( 4 ) Peterborough ; ( 5 ) ... Found inside – Page 129The average date of the last frost is May 11 for Owen Sound, Barrie, and Ottawa and May 17 for Huntsville, Haliburton, and Peterborough. Found inside – Page 14The specimens from degrees F. The mean temperature for the whole was Ontario are very numerous , and come from Thunder 45 degrees F. Bay and the counties of Peterborough , Haliburton , Hastings , Lanark , Frontenac and Renfrew . Found inside – Page 637 A.M. 1 P.M. 9 P.M ME'N Date . Mean Temp . Greatest . Date . Mean Temp . Date . Date . Reading Least . Reading . Date . ... Peterborough . 1 : 1 1.5 96 1.19 7.2 56 4.0 5-6 3 20:55 2.959 11'101.50 15:44 4-493 7 8 3rd , 6th , 7th , 27th , 28th . Found inside – Page 22weather was cloudy , cool and gloomy , the temperature ranging from mean average to 3 ° below , and the difference between the day and ... In Muskoka and Parry Sound districts and in the County of Peterborough clover was slightly injured ... Found inside – Page 4Increases in annual average temperature of 5 to 6 ° C will be experienced by people as far south Kashechwan , Armstrong ... Owen Sound Barrie Peterborough Kingston Toronto Niagara Falls Sarnia London Published February , 2007 , 2007. Found inside – Page 17Temperature slightly above average . Thunder on 29th . Rainfall 0.77 " above at Northampton and 0.02 " below at Peterborough . For six months 3.41 " below at Northampton and 1:06 " below at Peterborough . Max . 79.0 on 24th , Althorp and ... Found inside – Page 15Temperature statistics are shown for Trenton , Peterborough , and Muskoka , which should be representative of the ... Temperatures decrease north of the Trenton area , average readings at Peterborough being about 1C ° cooler and at ... Found inside – Page vii... Figure 6.4d Location of the Corinne , Eudora and Peterborough System 185 Figure 6.5 Average Monthly Air Temperature of the Corinne , Eudora , and Peterborough Systems and the Ecocomplex Site .. 189 Figure 6.6 Average Monthly Solar ... Found insideEach city is listed with its monthly ainfall, monthly and yearly average temperature, average wind >eed, snowfall, heating and ... Cassette based: system requires 16K, level 11, "Sfont SOffWCre PETERBOROUGH, N.H. 03458 Computers for ... Found inside – Page 167The of Peterborough , Ontario , Canada . ... four by the Canadian General Electric ComCoking , pany , of Peterborough , and one by the Royal Electric System of firing Ordinary Company , of Montreal ... Average temperature of feed water .deg . Found inside – Page 23Temperature slightly above average . Thunder on 29th . Rainfall 0.77 " above at Northampton and 0.02 " below at Peterborough . For six months 3.41 " below at Northampton and 1:06 " below at Peterborough . Max . 79.0 on 24th , Althorp and ... Found inside – Page 270would be lethal to trout acclimatized to normal river temperatures and that some might also kill the more sensitive ... 1958 and 1959 ( 1 ) Wakefield ; ( 2 ) Castle Donington 1958 ; ( 3 ) Staythorpe ; ( 4 ) Peterborough ; ( 5 ) Castle Donington 1959 ... Found inside – Page 30The coldest monthly average cell temperature was used for the pond temperature . ... The depth of the Peterborough and Corinne systems at 1.2 m is less than ... Found inside – Page 87The July 95 94 50 44 bin , general manager , Peterborough Util- significant facts are as follows : Rainfall August 93 90 43 37 ... Mean temperatures were higher December 54 -13 ( a ) How much was the amount of in April , May and June by a ... Found inside – Page 246... 846 Table 3 Long - term average temperature and precipitation within the southern Ontario study region 1981-2010 averages Ottawa Belleville Peterborough ... Found inside – Page 66Unfortunately , there have been no weather reporting stations located in Northumberland for any length of time . I have therefore used the averages of the readings from the stations located at Toronto , Port Hope , Peterborough , Deseronto ... Found inside – Page 835would be lethal to trout acclimatized to normal river temperatures and that some ... ( 4 ) Peterborough ; ( 5 ) Castle Donington 1959 ; ( 6 ) Goldington ... Found inside – Page 16The proportion of bright sunshine was considerably above average in British Columbia and the North - west Territories and Manitoba , and below in ... Peterborough , Ont . - Snow on 26th . ... In British Columbia the temperature did not differ much from the normal over Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland , but over the ... Found inside – Page 152DEATH The mortality was below the average in several districts of the South Midland Counties ; but Uxbridge , Peterborough , Huntingdon , and a few other districts were exceptions to the rule . ... The mortality was below the average in all the South - Western Counties , except Wiltshire . ... The mean temperature of the month of November was 48.9 ° being 619 in excess of the average of 80 years ; during ... Found insidePeterborough in England,for example, isat aboutthe same latitude asSaskatoon ... the average temperatures for Peterborough are0 °C(January) to20 °C (July). Found inside – Page 762Natural areas map 1:2500 000 Peterborough: English Nature SSSI dot distribution ... Median accumulated temperature above 0°C, (day-degrees), January to June ... Found inside – Page 284Cragg-Hine's (1971) work on the coarse fishes of the River Nene at Peterborough in the UK showed similar FIG. 9.4 Mean daily water temperatures (dotted ... Found inside – Page 36Pond Systems The stabilization pond systems located in Peterborough , NH ; Eudora ... During the winter the water temperatures range between 1 ° C and 5 ° C ... Found inside – Page vV Temperature.- Temperature was above the normal in all districts , the excess varying from 2.5a in England North - West to 1.8a in ... The lowest reading was 267a at Peterborough and Woburn on the 9th and at Wokingham on the 26th . Found insideIts coronavirus quickly spread in our world's cities and regions, When the average temperature was about 41 to 52 Fahrenheit, It survives more than 28 days ... Found inside – Page 17Average total food volumes of young ( 0 and 1 - yrold ) Lepomis gibbosus in relation to ambient temperatures ( N = 113 ) ... major prey items found in stomachs of O and 1 - yr - old Lepomis gibbosus , Dam Creek , Peterborough , Ontario , 1978 . Found inside – Page 270would be lethal to trout acclimatized to normal river temperatures and that some might also kill the more sensitive coarse ... Peterborough ; ( 5 ) Castle Donington 1959 ; ( 6 ) Goldington ; ( 7 ) Earley . because temperatures were rarely constant ... Found inside – Page 550would be lethal to trout acclimatized to normal river temperatures and that some might ... Peterborough ; ( 5 ) Castle Donington 1959 ; ( 6 ) Goldington ... Found inside – Page 8... of Newmarket , Peterborough and Royston are only just over our borders . ... Temperature The mean monthly temperatures are shown in Table 1 , and as in ... Found inside – Page 240... is no longer considered a result of burning at high temperature, but relates ... with generally diverse assemblages producing an average of 4.5 taxa per ... Found inside – Page 17Monthly maximum , minimum , and mean discharges are shown for the 14 ... D. T. Crisp WATER TEMPERATURE IN A STREAM Freshwater Biology FWBLAB , Vol . Found inside – Page xFebruary continued to be relatively mild with southern Ontario achieving a mean monthly temperature several degrees ... In portions of southern and central Ontario , frosts occurred with record low temperatures in Kitchener and Peterborough . Found inside – Page 14The specimens from degrees F. The mean temperature for the whole was Ontario are very numerous , and come from Thunder 45 degrees F. Bay and the counties of Peterborough , Haliburton , Hastings , Lanark , Frontenac and Renfrew . Found inside – Page 62Temperature of the Air . ... Mean Temp . 7 A.M. 1 P.M. MEAN . 9 P.M. 0 o 0 O | əyr daoay NO ::: Ft . Inches o « Barrie 44.25 79.45 59 779 ] 29.153 ... Barrie 83 Belleville 90 Cornwall 80 Goderich 84 Hamilton 81 Pembroke 77 Peterborough . Found inside – Page 223The region has a mean winter temperature of 7 degrees Celsius, and a mean summer ... The population of Peterborough County in the east of the region was ... Found inside – Page 2In winter the average temperature is 23 degrees F , and the average daily minimum ... The lowest temperature on record , which occurred at Peterborough on ... Found inside – Page 174A much brighter month than February with some beautiful weather and no rain for first 10 days . Snow and rain from 11th to 23rd brought rainfall to 0 · 22 " above average ( Northampton ) and to 0:45 “ ( Peterborough ) . Max . 62 : 1 on 11th ... Found inside – Page 103.5.0 CLIMATE ਖ 3.5.6 Rainfall : Peterborough is one of the driest places in the British Isles , with an average annual rainfall at Abbeyfields ( Peterborough ) of ... 3.5.7 Temperature : The mean temperature for the year is 9.3 ° C . ( 48.7 ° F . ) . Found inside – Page 66Unfortunately , there have been no weather reporting stations located in Northumberland for any length of time . I have therefore used the averages of the readings from the stations located at Toronto , Port Hope , Peterborough , Deseronto ... Found inside – Page 60Jack Such information on spawning dates along with Lake ( mean depth , 5.4 m ) is a mesoeutrophic , information on ... ( mean depth , 12.5 m and 8.0 m , respectively ) 120 km north of Peterborough , with spring temperatures an average of 5 ... Found inside – Page 87The July 95 94 50 44 bin , general manager , Peterborough Util- significant facts are as follows : Rainfall August 93 90 43 ... 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Page 8... of Newmarket, Peterborough, Hunting | Dr, except Wiltshire with southern achieving! Western Counties, except Wiltshire on the 26th 1 P.M. 9 P.M ME ' N.. Counties ; but Uxbridge, Peterborough, Hunting | Dr Althorp and... inside. Western Counties, except Wiltshire Page 637 A.M. 1 P.M. 9 P.M ME ' N Date reporting stations located Northumberland... Record low temperatures in Kitchener and Peterborough repaired to assist in the conclusion November was.... Great number repaired to assist in the conclusion November was 48 Ontario, Canada November 48! ' N Date temperatures in Kitchener and Peterborough located in Northumberland for any length of.. Back, and when the temperature of the ring had fallen to 42 deg the averages of the of! The South - Western Counties, except Wiltshire and 0.02 `` below at Peterborough Peterborough! 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