Level 1 begins as the entry level for children that did not take the Red Cross Preschool Preschool program. Tammy teaches business courses at the post-secondary and secondary level and has a master's of business administration in finance. Starting with a tiny seahorse, a young diver encounters numerous sea creatures while hunting for treasure. This seven level program allows your child (4 months – 6 years) to enter levels based on their age and abilities. Pushing people cannot go past the “T” mark. Learners should be able to consistently demonstrate the following criteria . A swim test can help determine the best class level based on … Red Cross Swimming Lessons. American Red Cross Adult Swim is intended for those who wish to improve their swimming strokes and water safety skills. Proper swim attire must be worn. Learners must start the program in Youth Level 1 or Preschool Bobbers. No previous swimming experience necessary. If you don't know what you want to cover in a day, you won't efficiently teach the … Red Cross Swim - School Age Level 5 to 10: No change. Red Cross Swim - Adult Basics 2, Adult Strokes & Teen Strokes: No change. SELECTED SKILLS & STROKES – LEVELS 1 – 10. Classes have a structured lesson plan which comply with the American Red Cross guidelines. 3. A heated Olympic-size pool (50 meters x 25 yds.) Des Moines Parks & Recreation offers swim lessons at their outdoor aquatic centers and pools. PAC - 6 months to 3 years, The Pre-School class for 3-4 year old & Level 1 & 2 thru Level 6. Swim Levels Level 1 - Exploring the Water Level 2 - Fundamental Aquatic Skills Level 3 - Stroke Development Level 4 - Stroke Improvement Level 5 - Stroke Refinement Level 6 - Stroke Perfection and Swimming Proficiency By completing this Award, with or without floatation equipment or support, you will be able to: 1. back swimming with shoulder roll. Swimming front crawl and back crawl are essential skills for both proficiency (swimming well) and safety. All of us--policymakers, parents, non-profit organizations, businesses and concerned citizens--can help prevent drowning. Explaining how is the goal of this guide. This instructor’s manual is part of the American Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety program. Class descriptions are available at the front desk or at www.swimkingsport.com. The City of Hollywood is an authorized provider of the American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim program. . . . The message of this book . . . is that evil can be overcome, a difference can be made. Printer Friendly version of this article: SWIM COLLEGE swim lesson plans (.pdf) Conclusion. Teaching Swimming and Water Safety video or DVD, Swimming and Diving Skills video or DVD, Longfellow’s WHALE Tales K-6 Educational Packet 1.3 Safe Exits . Red Cross Descriptions: Preschool Swim Lessons – Ages 3-5 years – Emphasizes water safety, survival, and foundational swimming concepts.. Pre-Level 1: Helps children feel comfortable and safely enjoy the water. Level 9/10. Swim courses, but the Red Cross supports the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics that children younger under the age of 4 not be enrolled in regular swimming lessons. Should pool staff determine your Children are only allowed to be registered for one class per session. Private lessons are open to children 2 years of age and older and adults ages 18 and over at any swim level. introduction to the kneeling dive. These levels include American Red Cross Parent & Child Classes, Pre-school (ages 4 & 5) Classes, and Age Group (ages 6 & older) Level 1 & Level 2. As you make your annual / seasonal swim lesson plans, spread the word to other parents who may like to join-in. of your swim lessons with the Swim App. This is a 1-week, one-on-one instructional class. These courses are designed to develop or increase swimmers’ comfort in the water through basic flotation, movement, and breathing skills and to foster the basic knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to stay safe in, on, and around the water. Learn-to-Swim Level 3—Stroke Development Block Plan Instructor Resources: Swimming and Water Safety manual. PRESCHOOL PROGRAM (0-6 YEARS OLD) If you have never taken a swimming lesson or for more information, please contact Geneviève Perreault, aquatic coordinator programs at 418-844-5000, ext 4138. To be comfortable in water and enjoy it safely. Red Cross swim classes are available for infants, children, teens, and adults. 1.2 Move in the Water . Level 1: Introduction to Water Skills Preschool Aquatics: Ages: 4 - 5 yrs - Level 1 - OTTER - Level 2 - SEAL - Level 3 - DOLPHIN Red Cross Swim Kids Level 1 (Must be 6 to register) Swimmers develop front and back float, front and back glide, flutter kick (assisted), shallow water entries and exits, and swim 5 metres. Red Cross Swim Kids is a 10 level program for children 5+ years of age. Children's swimming lessons are offered year-round to Residents & Non- Residents. The City of Laramie offers swim lessons taught by American Red Cross Certified instructors. This guide is designed for use in conjunction with the two-day CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Course that is a prerequisite to opening a CrossFit affiliate, but this guide can also be used as a standalone resource by coaches and fitness ... Water Safety Instructor’s Manual (including CDROM). Group lessons are available for children ages 6 months to 12 years old. 1.4 Submerge and Blow Bubbles . This comprehensive guide will prepare candidates for the test in all 50 states. Pre-Level 2: Gives swimmers success with fundamental skills like floating and basic locomotion using combined arm and leg motions. Learn-to-Swim. Red Cross Swim Basics is a two-level learn-to-swim program for adults and teens. Download Ebook Red Cross Swim Lesson Instructor Manualadditionally useful. American Red Cross Lesson Plan. C T C R C S Red Cross Swim Perfrae riteria Kids F ITNESS ACTIVITIES NOTE: Must incorporate one item from below in each lesson. self-safety along with safe diving. "Made possible by funding from Bloomberg Philanthropies" --Title page. Private Lessons, Lifeguard Training, Water Safety Instructor Training and Adult Swim Lessons are also offered. Red Cross Sea Otter. The CRC staff teaches swimming and water safety and help children and adults to be safe in and around the water – regardless of the ability to pay. Swim Lessons. American Red Cross Levels 1-6. Group lessons are offered March to October, for participants from 6 months to adults. 1.1 Unassisted Entry . Form a group of 3. Changes to dates, participant names or swimming level or cancellations made before 12:00 p.m. CST on the Friday prior to the first day of swimming lessons will incur a $15 change and/or cancellation fee. Found insideA brief biography of Hawaiian Duke Kahanamoku, five-time Olympic swimming champion from the early 1900s who is also considered worldwide as the 'father of modern surfing'. Classes have a structured lesson plan which comply with the American Red Cross guidelines. Participants must be minimum age by course start date. For our Spring (March to May) and Fall (August to October) sessions, there will be 6 classes, with 5 classes guaranteed. Adult Lessons Ages 18+ Participants will be taught floating and basic stroke techniques (front float, front crawl, back float and elementary backstroke). The knowledge provided by this book puts you in a better position to draw that critical line between the calculated and the unacceptable risk, a line that you, and those in your charge, must never cross. Help your child develop a healthy lifestyle through swimming. If you have any questions, please call the Kendrick Pool at 307-674-9436. Program Level Registration Guide - Red Cross Swim … From american red cross swimming worksheets to red cross swimming lessons videos, quickly find teacher-reviewed educational resources. Proper swim attire must be worn. Baby/Infant and Me, Preschool Swim and American Red Cross Learn to Swim Levels 1-5 are offered in the morning and evening during five sessions. Instructors will respond in case of emergency. Each of the Red Cross Swim Preschool levels offers children a fun, safe and engaging environment to learn the basics of swimming and water safety. Presents a training guide to becoming a safe, responsible, and successful babysitter, focusing on what to do when children suffer different kinds of accidents and illnesses. This physical education curriculum guide for kindergarten through twelfth grade has two main components. Parent & Child classes are designed for an adult (not necessarily a parent), and a child under 4 years of age to participate together to learn and practice fundamental swimming and water safety skills. Warm Water Pool. front glide and side glide (15 mtr.) ... Level 1-(Can be done with support) Enter independently, using the ladder, steps or side, travel at least 5 yards, submerge to mouth and blow bubbles for at least 3 seconds then safely exit the water. Perform a feetfirst entry into deep water, swim front crawl for 25 yards, change direction and position as necessary and swim elementary backstroke for 25 yards. Level 1— Introduction to Water Skills . Found inside – Page 178Grade Level: 6 National Standards Standard 1. ... for physical education in swimming, the Red Cross Swim Level outcomes were used to guide this lesson. Objective: To help students feel comfortable in the water and to enjoy … Swim Lesson Planning & Preparation . American Red Cross Swim Lessons include: Parent/Child Aquatics: Ages: 6 mo - 3 yrs - PC Level 1 - PC Level 2. Lessons will be spread out so that physical distancing can be maintained. Participants must be minimum age by course start date. 1. Courses are taught by certified American Red Cross Water Safety Instructors (WSI). Red Cross Swim Preschool. Stow 330.945.3100. WATER SAFETY INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION. The Water Safety Instructor certification course trains WSI candidates to teach courses and presentations in the American Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety program by developing their understanding of how to use the course materials, how to conduct training sessions and how to evaluate participants progress. Learn-to-Swim Level 4—Stroke Improvement Block Plan Instructor Resources: Swimming and Water Safety manual, Water Safety Instructor’s Manual (including CDROM). The Red Cross has developed swimming lessons for kids and adults that allow everyone the opportunity to learn in a safe environment, at their own pace. All sessions are Monday - Friday for 1 week beginning June 14 and ending the week of July 19. Courses are taught by certified American Red Cross Water Safety Instructors (WSI). This year we are offering 30-minute Private Swim Lessons. This book's insightful guidance on what to differentiate, how to differentiate, and why lays the groundwork for bringing differentiated instruction into your own classroom or refining the work you already do to help each of your wonderfully ... 1.5 Pick up Objects . Des Moines Parks & Recreation offers swim lessons at their outdoor aquatic centers and pools. Swim Lesson Waiver. Pre-requisites: none. Regisration will open June 23 at 6:00 a.m. (online). Teaching Swimming and Water Safety video or DVD, Swimming and Diving Skills video or DVD, Longfellow’s WHALE Tales K-6 Educational Packet Found insideThis is the third iteration of the National Standards for K-12 Physical Education, and this latest version features two prominent changes: •The term physical literacy underpins the standards. Learn-to-Swim. Swim lessons are open to South Yuba Club members and the General Public. Reservations require the purchase of a Lesson package. Designed for children 3 - 5 years of age. Give them this book, and use the general lesson plans in the back. Not sure how you describe the nuance and importance of using command language in your classes? Use this training workbook and discuss how to be a better communicator. • Parent and Child Aquatics: Participants must be at least 6 months old and must demonstrate the appropriate skills and behaviors for entry into each level. 2. Swim lessons are by Appointment Only. The new guidelines are meant to protect public health, help evaluate development projects near freshwater and recreational sites and assess potential health aspects of recreational projects. Water Safety Instructor’s Manual (including CDROM). Please note any new PHS Pool Level 3 participants will need to take a swim test before swimming lessons begin to verify they can meet the minimum swim … Red Cross Swim Kids Level 1 (Must be 6 to register) Swimmers develop front and back float, front and back glide, flutter kick (assisted), shallow water entries and exits, and swim 5 metres. • Starfish / Duck (6 to 18 months) The child will experience stomach and back buoyancy through stimulating lessons. What happens in Learn-to-Swim Level 1? Lessons begin on Monday, June 21st and are available Monday- Friday from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm. American Red Cross Swimming Lessons To ensure the best learning experience for your child, and more importantly, their safety, please carefully review the skill levels for each class. The City of Newton is an authorized partner with the American Red Cross. Visit redcross.org to learn more about this program. Registration unavailable. K and V (both age 6) showing off some swimming skills they learned this summer Swimming Lessons. Class ratio 6:1. Class sizes will range from 5-7 students per instructor. Swim courses, but the Red Cross supports the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics that children younger under the age of 4 not be enrolled in regular swimming lessons. Become a Member. Today, over one million Canadians enrol in our programs each year and 20,000 are trained and certified annually as Water Safety Instructors. Each lesson is a private 30-minute session specially designed to improve swimming techniques with an emphasis on water safety. Changes to this program and manual include simplifications to many of the CPR skill sequences, which helps improve retention. There have also been changes to help improve the quality of CPR. American Red Cross Swimming Lessons Swimming lessons for all ages are offered year-round. One-to-one lessons are custom-fit to your swimming ability, while advancing your swimming skills according to American Red Cross specifications. Aquatics. Ms. Sue has taught swimming for over 30 years as a certified Water Safety Instructor and has won the American Red Cross Safety Award. Session Times. Esperanza isn't ready for the hard work, financial struggles brought on by the Great Depression, or lack of acceptance she now faces. Red Cross Swim Kids Level 2 … Red Cross Swim Lessons Red Cross Swim Preschool - Level 1 to 3. Program Level Registration Guide - Red Cross Swim Preschool. Green 330.896.5000. Typically this is the instructor, however current protocols require Instructors to physical distance six feet from participants except in case of an emergency. The 10 levels will challenge those who took a preschool program, but will also provide a starting point for children with limited swimming experience. FLUTTER KICK 10M (ASSISTED) Your child must be proficient in all of the skills listed in a lower level before being registered for a higher level. This program is for ages 5 to 14 years old. Make it a priority to have at least 8-12 weeks of progressive swim lessons every year. Designed for children 3 - 5 years of age. self-safety along with safe diving. "Text and photographs introduce a supermarket and explains the responsibilities of some of the employees that work there. Discusses the history and techniques of swimming and diving, safety rescue techniques, and skills for a variety of aquatic activities. Found inside – Page iThat’s where The Swimming Drill Book continues to deliver. The first edition quickly became the best-selling drill book in the sport. Kendrick Pool: 307-674-9436 2021 American Red Cross Swim Lessons Lessons will run Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am – Noon. This manual will supplement your in-service training to keep your knowledge and skills sharp. Teaching your child how to swim could be more fun in groups. CRC’s “I CAN SWIM!” program is American Red Cross instruction designed to help swimmers of all ages begin, develop, and refine their swimming skills. Hands and toes should point perpendicular to the lane lines. Parent and Child Class. Red Cross Swim - Adult Basics 1 & Teen Basics: Will not be offered at this time. Introduction to Water Skills: Students will learn how to feel comfortable in the water and safely enjoy it. Red Cross Swim Kids - Level 4. breathing and rhythmic breathing. Submerge and swim … Swimsuit. While trying to cross a moat, Archimedes the Goat and Skinny the Hen learn why objects sink or float. By the author of The Curious Demise of the Contrary Cat and the illustrator of Itsy-Bitsy Baby Mouse. SKILLS AND WATER SAFETY Prepare! Unable to let go, Mara begins to see Zane, feel him, even talk to him. Is she crazy? Does it matter if she can stay in a world with Zane in it?They Said She Was Crazy follows a mother’s struggle for answers after her son’s death. Found inside – Page 46... activity involves the following : 1 . The Lesson Plan : a . Psychomotor objectives must be realistic for the swimmer ' s skill level , justifiable , and consistent with the Aquatic Council of AAALF / AAHPERD , the YMCA or the American Red Cross ... Enter unassisted, travel 5 yards, bob 3 times, then safely exit water 2. School-Year sessions are held indoors at Newton North High School. Level 1 Skill Sheet Orient participants to the aquatic environment and help them gain basic aquatic skills. This new edition of the bestselling Total Immersion features: · A thoughtfully choreographed series of skill drills—practiced in the mindful spirit of yoga—that can help anyone swim more enjoyably · A holistic approach to becoming one ... Level 5/6. These 30-minute lessons are ideal for Learning focuses on safety in, on, and around the water. Find red cross swimming lesson plans and teaching resources. Registration and payment must be received at the same time. Once we have taught floating and gliding on your back, you can breathe at any time, then rolling onto your stomach to move forward using front crawl. Level Objective: Designed to orient participants to the aquatic environment and to help them gain basic aquatic skills. Session Dates. get the red cross swim lesson instructor manual connect that we allow here and check out the link. Introduction to Water Skills. Must be comfortable in deep water and have the ability to swim mulitple lengths of the pool. Students are acclimated to the water through a series of games, activities, and skills led by an instructor. All seven courses are designed to help students learn to swim, or improve their swimming skills with new strokes, stroke refinements, diving safety tips and techniques, and more. Level 3/4. front crawl for a length of 10 mtr. Red Cross Swim Basics. Level One Objective . The CRC staff teaches swimming and water safety and help children and adults to be safe in and around the water – regardless of the ability to pay. Red Cross Swim Kids - Level 4. breathing and rhythmic breathing. PLAY AND SONGS • Using songs, caregiver and child explore different water movements (e.g., rocking, dancing, jumping, swinging, running). 10-level program for children 6 Years and up. front crawl for a length of 10 mtr. Step 3: Arrive to your first private session 15 min early to pay for the swim lessons. Help participants begin to develop positive attitudes and safe practices around water. These are established in level 2 after being able to go underwater in level 1. 1 person lays horizontal across the lane on their back or belly. Student Teacher Ratio: 1:8 . Stay Safe! kicking drills/flutter kick (on back) distance swimming for 25 metres. Class ratio 1… Courses are geared to teach participants, regardless of ability, to learn to swim through goal setting skills levels and accomplishments. Swim Lessons Summer Recreation Program All Ages All Levels of Swimming Swim and Water Polo camps RED CROSS SWIMMING LEVELS Level 1: Water Exploration The objective of Level One is to help students feel comfortable in the water and to enjoy the water safely. Students will learn elementary wa- Learning to teach English without a course book. Learn to swim in 1/4 of the time! In this touching, wryly humorous sequel to Revenge of the Snob Squad, readers are reunited with sixth-grade misfits Jenny, Max, Prairie, and Lydia as they cook up an outrageous plan to ignite a romance between Prairie and the object of her ... Please note that all students will be observed on the first day of lessons and placed in an appropriate class according to their proficiency in the water. Before teaching your kids how to swim, download and read the Red Cross swimming and water safety manual. Modified Red Cross Swim Lessons for preschool age (Sea Otter, Salamander, Sunfish, Crocodile & Whale) and school age Levels 1 - 4, require an adult be in the pool with the child. And regardless of where you take your swimming lessons, you can expect caring, patient, and safe instruction from trained, professional instructors who can help even the most timid of swimmers learn to enjoy the water. SwimSkill Lesson Levels Green Level (5-12 yrs) Not available at this time due to instructors not being able to do in-water instruction. Swimmers build their endurance by working on the 5 meters front swim. Description Preschoolers will build endurance while working on a 5 meter front swim. Nip can not wait to jump into his new backyard pool. introduction to the kneeling dive. Des Moines Parks and Recreation is an American Red Cross Learn-To-Swim Curriculum Provider. Swimming Lessons - Red Cross Program The Long Island Aquatic Club offers swimming lessons by fully certified Red Cross Water Safety Instructors: Parent & Tot: for parents and children up to 3 years of age Preschool: 5 preschool levels for children 3-6 years of age Swim Kids: 10 swim kids levels for children 6 years of age and above Private Lessons, Lifeguard Training, Water Safety Instructor Training and Adult Swim Lessons are also offered. Red Cross Swim:Private Lessons-Adult. Swimming lessons are the process of learning to swim. In most countries there is a definition of a number of swimming levels that are reached in the process of the curriculum. The respective certificates of swimming tests are required for further training in aquatic abilities. Learning Objective of Learn-to-Swim level 1. CRC’s “I CAN SWIM!” program is American Red Cross instruction designed to help swimmers of all ages begin, develop, and refine their swimming skills. Private Swim Lessons. Swimmer learns to glide on front, back, side, and rollover glides with lutter kick; front swim 5m; … *NOTE: Levels 1 & 2 require a parent/guardian to assist in the water during the lesson. (Children can walk, move along the gutter or “swim”) For Swim Students: 1. Level In this level Red Cross Swim Kids Level 1 (sunfish) Requirements: at least 5 years of age. This book about teaching virtues is based on a fundamental American Indian view that sees the universe as intimate relationships of living things that are vitally affected by attributes called universal virtues. Swimming lessons should be a part of every summer season. Program Level Registration Guide - Red Cross Swim Kids. Level 1: Introduction to Water Skills. By following this simple daily program, you will give your baby a powerful advantage that will last a lifetime. Classes are divided on the first day into those who are willing to put their face in the water and those who are not. Our colors make us beautiful and unique. Mommy says it is part of our culture and the big word diversity -- diversidad. Marvelous Maravilloso follows a young girl as she finds joy in the colors of the world all around her. Swimming Curriculum Red Cross Swim Lesson Program. Level 7/8. Learn-to-Swim Level 5—Stroke Refinement Block Plan Instructor Resources: Swimming and Water Safety manual. Due to the continuously evolving COVID-19 situation, all program dates are subject to change and/or cancellation. Jack Link's Aquatic & Activity Center is an Authorized Provider of American Red Cross Aquatic Programs. Enroll them in an American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim course. Challenge: Log Push with Partners. Found insideWhen the doctor gets frustrated by the riotous play of the five little sharks, he decides to send them packing, yet after he does so, the neighborhood becomes all too quiet as the big blue ocean simply appears all too empty without them. LEVELS 1-4 YOUTH SWIM LESSONS Children are placed by skill level and learn at their own pace. Swim Team The reader is invited to guess who causes the boat to sink when five animal friends of varying sizes decide to go for a row. Puyallup High School Pool has partnered with American Red Cross to bring you a revised Swim Program that places an increased emphasis on water safety and drowning prevention as the basis of swim and water recreation. Develop block plans and lesson plans to meet your specific needs. Each session includes eight classes, which will occur Monday-Thursday. Blue Level (6-12 yrs) (Semi-Private Lessons 1:2) must have completed SwimSkills Green, Red Cross Swim Kids 4 or Whale, or YMCA Swimmer level; must be … Swim Lesson registration will open on April 1, 2021. Review the Frequently Asked Questions below. Text SWIM to 90999, and we’ll send you a link to download the app, or search the iTunes® app store or Google Play™ for American Red Cross. Parent & Child . There is a class for all level of swimmers! Develop block plans and lesson plans to meet your specific needs. The City of Oviedo is an official provider of American Red Cross Learn-To-Swim lessons. The book's approach lets you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your stroke and drills and training tips let you make the most of your time in the water. Swim Efficently. Swim Fast. Swim Smooth. Parent & Child classes are designed for an adult (not necessarily a parent), and a child under 4 years of age to participate together to learn and practice fundamental swimming and water safety skills. If your child is new to Red Cross swimming lessons, you can look at the fact sheets below (keep scrolling to "Important Documents" section) to determine the prerequisites for each level. You save up to $10 on this event. This seven level program allows your child (4 months – 6 years) to enter levels based on their age and abilities. Private Lessons. Step 2: Contact assigned instructor and set up Private Swim Lesson Appointment (s). *NOTE: Levels 1 & 2 require a parent/guardian to assist in the water during the lesson. Program Level Registration Guides. LEVEL 3 1. For every level of Learn-to-Swim, our instructors follow a plan to introduce new swimming and water safety skills and build on previously learned skills. Students are acclimated to the water through a series of games, activities, and skills led by an instructor. Cancellations made after 12:00 p.m. CST of the Friday prior to the first day of swimming lessons will result in the forfeit of all swimming costs. Red Cross Swim Kids. Survive! The American Red Cross Swimming and Diving Skills DVD should be used: Bath 330.665.8100. Lessons for the current season are posted in our Program Guide and available for registration On-line. The following lesson plans are the recommended suggested programme for completing the Level One objectives. learning experience, Red Cross Learn-to-Swim courses consist of a logical, six-level progression. back swimming with shoulder roll. LEVELS 1-4 YOUTH SWIM LESSONS Children are placed by skill level and learn at their own pace. 4 to 36 months. For use in schools and libraries only. Roscoe wants to be on his best behavior for a class trip to the apple orchard. But no matter how hard he tries, he still ends up in a very sticky situation! The Canadian Red Cross Societ Red Cross Swim 1 Preschool—Starfish FITNESS ACTIVITIES NOTE: Must incorporate one item from below into each lesson. Parent & Child Aquatics Level 1 and 2. Summer lessons are held outdoors at Gath Memorial Pool or Crystal Lake. SAMPLE BLOCK AND LESSON PLANS Parent and Child Aquatics Level 1 Important Note: These block and lesson plans are samples only and are in no way intended to serve as a recommended way to deliver the lessons. Semi-Individualized lessons are available for two students at the same swim level and age. Click on the CRN for more information or to register. 2 friends push the legs and shoulder to “push the log” to the flags. Dates are subject to change and/or cancellation are offered year-round to Residents & Non-.... 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Range of complex behavioral issues that affect employees and managers Strokes: No change Curious Demise of the skills in! Offers swim lessons at their outdoor aquatic centers and pools program in YOUTH 1... Being able to: 1 Basics 1 & 2 require a parent/guardian to assist in the water through a of. And techniques of swimming and water Safety skills Manualadditionally useful to SS1 and SS2 50.!