Found inside – Page 1525body was aware , and Mr. Walter Jones perhaps better than him in a position which made him , to all intents and anybody else , that the election was likely to be very close . purposes , for the time being , practically dictator of these As a matter ... Found insideHe sighed, changing position in his seat. ... And an hour before his departure from Austria, Walter Jones had confirmed that the Arthur F. Grant, ... Found inside – Page 406... in extracts of swine pancreas was reported in 1920 by Walter Jones, ... in position 9 of the purine ring or in position 3 in the pyrimidine ring. Found inside – Page 741POSITION ON JONES STATE BOASTING SAFETY BILL Mr. Coughlin . Congressman Walter Jones has introduced a bill which would increase the share of the boat safety ... Found inside – Page 111Trevor Herbert, Gareth Elwyn Jones, Gareth Herbert ... Walter Jones position is that the Council must go back on its Cardiganshire decision , remain a home for Wee Free & Coalition Liberal Liberals , sink everything in the one aim of III Welsh ... Found inside – Page 212... was this more evident than in a letter he wrote to Dr. Walter Jones, ... to show how he himself would portray Washington if he were in Jones's position. Found inside – Page 235The onset of the Revolution , which took so many Virginia doctors into the army , for some reason apparently did not stir Walter Jones from his position in Lancaster County . Congress appointed him Physician General to the Hospital of the ... Found inside – Page 78GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY NAME POSITION PERSONAL SERVICES JONES , ROBERT E JONES , RONALD G JONES , SD JONES , SHELIA P JONES , VIRGINIAH JONES , WM JONES , WALTER JONES , WILLIAM A JONES ... Found inside – Page 1193... of Operational workforce for CRC . erations position held by Plaintiff Jack DoFive of the six Plaintiffs , including Dononohue ; the Senior District Manager posihue , Scheib , Smola , Dilanni and Hunter , tion held by Plaintiff Walter Jones ; and ... Found inside – Page 347Mr. WALTER JONES . ... after shifting from the marketing and consumer services area into the particular position I am in , and I just simply had no way of ... Found insideWalter Jones and associates controlled the whaling fleet, satisfying the markets for oil, candles and whalebone. His position as head of the Atlantic Mutual ... Found inside – Page 151Walter Jones Williams could not have made an entry as long as he was in the position of agent for his mother , and that he was not in possession , and could not get into possession , or make any entry for that purpose , without first resigning ... Found inside – Page 78Tackling Passing Blocking Coverage D - Moves SYMBUBAS 2171BAS Houston Texans Name Position Tackling ... 10 6 9 5 18 5 4 13 9 Shawn Springs DB 19 17 9 12 3 12 2 2 17 7 Walter Jones OL 3 4 6 4 9 10 4 19 2 12 Brandon Mitchell DL ... Found inside – Page 160Walter Jones has been raising questions all summer about the U.S. ... the logic of your voluntary program underscores the illogic of the DOD position . Found inside – Page 1525body was aware , and Mr. Walter Jones perhaps better than him in a position which made him , to all intents and anybody else , that the election was likely to be very close . purposes , for the time being , practically dictator of these As a matter ... Found inside – Page 30In July 2010 , Ms Iona Jones , the Chief Executive , left S4C in circumstances that ... ( for the second time ) of Authority Chairman , John Walter Jones . Found inside – Page 13Situation 2 Walter Jones is interviewing an applicant, Willow Preston, for the sales representative position. Read the conversation. 01-4 W Have a seat, ... Found inside – Page 176... normally passage - closing position . 2,135,181 DOUBLE WALL REFRIGERATOR Walter Jones , Princeton , N. J. , assignor , by mesne assignments , to Carrier ... Found inside – Page 354January 10 ; 1906 , James Brown indicated his willingness to accept the position . Walter Jones and William Thompson declined for reasons stated . Found inside – Page 12Seattle was sure Tampa had moved up to draft Walter Jones, but general manager Rich McKay ... Star Birth Knowing only Jones' career as it actually happened, ... Found inside – Page 6015... and Joplin public Jones , Walter's son , is the present day SMUCKER ... Club of serving in that position when the most menu that centers around smoked ... Found inside – Page 527Affidavit of J. Walter Jones ( Collector of Internal Revenue of the United ... that affiant resigned his position as official Shorthand Reporter of the ... Found inside – Page 113Jones agreed with McNair, pointing out that the idea had been around since the 1864 ... in June 1948, PEI's Walter Jones clarified his position. Found inside – Page 90J. Walter Jones has formulated its essence more forceful : ' Which of two ... 3 J. Walter Jones , The Position and Rights of a Bona Fide Purchaser for Value ... Found inside – Page 151Walter Jones Williams could not have made an entry as long as he was in the position of agent for his mother , and that he was not in possession , and could not get into possession , or make any entry for that purpose , without first resigning ... Found inside – Page lxivMany of these points about the rise of Witney clothiers are well illustrated in the Jones family of Witney and the career of Walter Jones , perhaps the most noted clothier to appear in the court books . Walter Jones was a clothier , broadweaver ... Found inside – Page 158Walter Jones: “We spotted other young men wearing NVA khakis, ... forward through the dew-covered grass to gain a better position from which to observe. Found inside – Page 1445... of the reduction in Federal funds , be in a position to assist only 1,100 . ... WALTER B. JONES CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES , HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ... Found inside – Page 346A short time later , Walter Jones called on behalf of his “ law firm client ” and asked ... and he urged Jones to press that position directly with Turner . Found inside – Page 359Some of His Antecedents and Descendants Lewis Hampton Jones ... A letter of Dr. Shippen , informing that Dr. Walter Jones , for weighty reasons , cannot accept the honor Congress did him ... He was appointed to this position April u , 1777 . Found inside – Page 45But the relationship between Walter Jones and the UMWA in Alabama was ... would perceive the presence of a black man in a union leadership position. Found insideRustem , William R .: Position paper prepared by the Center for the Great ... Walter Jones Gossman , Russel : Letter of February 3 , 1984 , to Hon . Found inside – Page 39years; and if his career ended tomorrow, they'd still owe him $24 million. ... left tackle Walter Jones, who made $7.5 million a year. Found inside – Page 151Walter Jones Williams could not have made an entry as long as he was in the position of agent for his mother , and that he was not in possession , and could not get into possession , or make any entry for that purpose , without first resigning ... Found inside – Page 347Mr. WALTER JONES . ... after shifting from the marketing and consumer services area into the particular position I am in , and I just simply had no way of ... Found inside... VanNess * Walter Smith Walter Jones Roger C. Weightman * Walter Jones Charles P. Stone Brigadier General Commanding Major General Commanding Position vacant Major General Commanding Major General Commanding Brigadier ... Found inside – Page 513Iffidavit of J. Walter Jones ( Collector of Internal Revenue of the United ... that affiant resigned his position as official Shorthand Reporter of the ... Found inside – Page 23... a Marlborough, Mass., internetworking equipment start-up, has named Walter Jones to the newly created position of vice-president of engineering. Found inside – Page 197Bancroft , for one , deeply distrusted Chaderton's stance on these issues . When a Kent minister , Walter Jones , who was teetering on the edge of ... Found insideRustem , William R .: Position paper prepared by the Center for the Great Lakes entitled , “ Winter ... Walter Jones Gossman , Russel : Letter of February 3 ... Found inside – Page 4382 Walter was buried in the church at Chastleton . If the remote location of the house mirrors Walter Jones ' s isolated position in local circles , it also shows how far he had travelled , socially at least , from his origins . His life had followed a ... Found inside – Page 1445... of the reduction in Federal funds , be in a position to assist only 1,100 . ... WALTER B. JONES CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES , HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ... Found inside – Page 85With an active shipbuilding industry and market for used vessels , New York offered Jones and his fellow owners the best opportunity for adding new vessels to the Cold Spring fleet . Walter's position at the helm of Atlantic Mutual put him in an ... Found inside – Page 115J. Walter Jones. CHAPTER VII POSITION OF PURCHASER TOWARDS (i) VENDOR (ii) THIRD PARTIES THE purchaser's position towards sub-purchasers can be conveniently ... Found inside – Page 1445... of the reduction in Federal funds , be in a position to assist only 1,100 . ... WALTER B. JONES CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES , HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ... Found inside – Page 110competitive position . Central Canadian - based firms such as Canada ... See W.E. Agnew to J. Walter Jones , 7 June 1944 , RG 25 , series 33 , subseries 3 , file 25 , Jones Papers , PEIPARO . 12 William Agnew came from a prominent PEI ... Found inside – Page 1525body was aware , and Mr. Walter Jonos perhaps better than him in a position which made him , to all intents and any body ... Mr. Walter Jones , and the Government of Canada , knowing the existence of to the position of valuator of those lands ...