Found inside – Page 1404I go John Hoard and his son , Walter Hoa : Notices of deaths ( not more than four lines ) inserted next to Valentine , Texas , and then to ... I preached last Lord ' s was born in West Newton , Pa . , May 12 , Christian hospitality knew no bounds . Found inside – Page 315 Nov 1930 Thiensville , WI to Mildred LANG Sources : obituaries ; family records ; marriage license ; death certificate . ... Furnam b . bef 1805 West Newton , Westmoreland Co. , PA ; d . bef 1820 Children by 2nd marriage : 12 . James E. b . ca ... Found inside – Page 67... Virginia, Record of Families, 1744-1890 Allentown Morning Call (PA), Obituaries, ... NO, Obits, 1998-1999 (Update) Newton County, Arkansas Census, ... Found inside – Page 71GRAY'S FULL SIZE BLUEPRINT PATTERNS Obituaries 6 piece ship ventilator patterns , up to 24 " dia . ... Mr. Blackmore organized the United States Radiator & Boiler Co. , in West Newton , Pa . , which in 1910 became the United States ... Found inside – Page 45OBITUARIES PERSONS 97 AND OVER Abstracted from Kansas Area Newspapers by A. Rosemary Wilkerson , Topeka , Kansas Hutchinson News = HN ... Esther May Blackburn , 97 , d 15 Aug 1994 Harper , b 8 June 1897 West Newton , PA . Found inside – Page 330... ( I'or Other Descriptions See Page 345 ) OBITUARIES GARAGE HEATING SYSTEMS Another product that is being brought to the ... Mr. Farwell , who had a wide acquaintance among the plumbing trade of the West , was well and favorably known along the Pacific Coast . ... later with the United States Radiator & Boiler Co. , of West Newton , Pa , Since that time he had been continuously engaged in the ... Found inside – Page 584He served byterian clergyman and educator , died in in the California Legislature , and was a supGreenburg , Pa . ... Beavertown , Pa . , New Lisbon and Bethel In 1852 he was chosen Mayor of Troy , and in Ohio , West Newton , Pa . ... In 1843 , having previously for six months the surgeon of the Panama He was He was Railroad Company , but was compelled to re 584 OBITUARIES , UNITED STATES . Found inside – Page 418He was West Newton Academy , and of a school at Canan original trustee of the Soldiers ' Home in Bath , onsburg , Pa .; in 1855 established the first normal N. Y. , and was its first treasurer . school in western Pennsylvania , in Mansfield , and Crocker , Margaret ... and Jef- reader , after which she began her career as an - actress in the company of Effie Ober , shortly after 418 OBITUARIES , AMERICAN . Found inside – Page 332Obituary not received . ] his wife united with the Methodist Episcopal Church , in Milton , Pa . ... he was licensed to preach , Carrollton , Richmond , West Newton , Redstone ; follows : and in 1873 was received on trial into the Ne- Ohio Circuit ... Found inside – Page 219P. O. BOX IRWIN , PA . · ( 412 ) 863-5000 E & S Roller Straighteners with variable Straightenin Shaft Center. Obituaries Stephen D. Moxley , 68 , died February 22. ... LEONE ENGINEERING COMPANY 117 Third Street West Newton , Pa . Found inside – Page 584He served byterian clergyman and educator , died in in the California Legislature , and was a supGreenburg , Pa . ... Beavertown , Pa . , New Lisbon and Bethel In 1852 he was chosen Mayor of Troy , and in Ohio , West Newton , Pa . , and since 1864 in 1855 was elected Judge of the ... surgeon of the Panama He was Pailroad Company , but was compelled to re- 584 OBITUARIES , UNITED STATES . Found inside – Page 134Brotherhood Obituaries THE LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS MUTUAL LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ... All deaths will be listed under obituary headings only , with date of death . ... 1954 148 - Collins R L West Newton , Pa . Found inside – Page 4115 - Coming events 16 - Obituaries 17 - Question & answer 18 - Social announcements 19 - Artwork 20 - Cartoons 21 - Photos 22 - TV listings Pub . ... Desc : Food Contact : Seth Isenberg , Adv . Mgr . WEST NEWTON Owner ( s ) : Clara Holder 211 Main St. White Haven , PA ... Desc : Advertiser WESTFIELD YARDLEY Times - Sun , The 205 E. Main St. West Newton , PA 15089-1153 ( Westmoreland ) ADI ... Found inside – Page 53Mercilla's death data is from newspaper obituaries in Mary Jane King McIntire's scrapbook . ix . George ... Enos died 3 September 1844 at Perryopolis , Fayette , PA , at the age of 40 . ... Rachel died at West Newton , Westmoreland Co. , PA . Found inside – Page 418He was West Newton Academy , and of a school at Canan original trustee of the Soldiers ' Home in Bath , onsburg , Pa .; in 1855 established the first normal N. Y. , and was its first treasurer . school in western Pennsylvania , in Mansfield , and Crocker ... and Jef- reader , after which she began her career as an - -- actress in the company of Effie Ober , shortly after 418 OBITUARIES , AMERICAN . Found inside – Page 36Obituaries LAKINS_David Lakins , pastor of Mt. Carroll , IL , was born Jan. 30 , 1942 , and died May 31 , 1991. He served ... MACHESKA — Thelma Macheska , a member of West Newton , PA , was born Jul . 17 , 1923 , and died May 22 , 1991. Found inside – Page 108obituaries SLY wet scrubbers FRED HUBBARD , formerly consulting engineer for Standard Slag Company , Youngstown , Ohio , and active all throughout his career in affairs of the NaF. Hubbard tional ... 4 Mine , West Newton , Pa . Facilities ... Found inside – Page 630OBITUARIES [ In accordance with the action of the Ottawa Convention , no resolutions of condolence , obituary letters or poems will be published in the JOURNAL . All deaths will be listed ... West Newton , Pa . , June 13 , Bro . Robt . Har . dren ... Found inside – Page 1878BROWN, JAMES M, Spruce Creek, Pa (d/XI-28-1904. ... BROWN, JOEL HENRY, West Newton, Mass (b/X-22-1815 Bradford, NH; d/III-15-1865) MD unknown; AB Dartmouth ... Found inside – Page 118George A. Bentley , vice president - general manager , Fabricated Products Div . , West Newton , Pa . ... OBITUARIES ... A. FINKL & SONS CO.-R. William Carlson , Chicago sales manager . MATERIALS RESEARCH CORP . , Orangeburg ... Found inside – Page 255Valley Junction..................216 West Sandusky..................188 Ohio county.................21, 34, 107 Ky......................................107 ... Found inside – Page 584He served byterian clergyman and educator , died in in the California Legislature , and was a supGreenburg , Pa . He was ... Beavertown , Pa . , New Lisbon and Bethel in 1852 he was chosen Mayor of Troy , and in Ohio , West Newton , Pa . , and since 1864 in 1855 was elected Judge of the Supreme Court . Oxford ... was Railroad Company , but was compelled to re 584 OBITUARIES , UNITED STATES . Found inside – Page 1098OBITUARIES [ In accordance with the action of the Ottawa Convention , no resolutions of condolence , obituary etters or poems will ... McKees Rocks , Pa . , Oct. 7 , result of operation , Bro . ... West Newton , Mass . , Oct. 31 , heart failure , Bro . Found inside – Page 71GRAY'S FULL SIZE BLUEPRINT PATTERNS Obituaries 6 piece ship ventilator patterns , up to 24 " dia . ... Mr. Blackmore organized the United States Radiator & Boiler Co. , in West Newton , Pa . , which in 1910 became the United States ... Found inside – Page 584He served byterian clergyman and educator , died in in the California Legislature , and was a supGreenburg , Pa . ... Beavertown , Pa . , New Lisbon and Bethel in 1852 he was chosen Mayor of Troy , and in Ohio , West Newton , Pa . , and since ... In 1843 , having previously for six months the surgeon of the Panama He was Railroad Company , but was compelled to re- 584 OBITUARIES , UNITED STATES . Found inside – Page 10STAR NOTES . and the Misses Laura and Daisy Butts , of West Newton , Pa .; Miss Warcissa Ferguson , of Kittanning , Pa .; Mrs. J. M. Kirker , of Little Locking , Ohio ... In Memoriam *** We publish obituaries not exceeding 50 words , free . Found inside – Page 399... distribution of sanitary supplies to the Inand died in West Newton , Ind . , April 2 , 1890. diana soldiers in the Army of the Potomac . ... brought HIENRY Bascom_HIBBEN was born in Uniontown , him to Christ , and on the 30th of October , 1830 , he Pa . , and ... 3 to say : Thousands were led by him to Christ OBITUARIES . Found inside – Page 868Obituaries [ In every case , statements of deaths of Yalo alumni appear in the form of Alumni Notes as promptly as possible . ... 1845 , in Norridgewock , Maine . ceived his early education at the English and Classical School in West Newton , Mass . , and at ... He was born on March 26 , 1864 , in Philadelphia , Pa . , the son of Thomas Neall Penrose , who attended the Philadelphia Col. lege of Pharmacy ... Found inside – Page 389In 1912 , on graduating from West Newton High School , he went to work in a nearby plant of U.S. Radiator Corp. as " tool ... From obituaries : Senior Member American Society of Tool Engineers , Member American Society of Mechanical Engineers , Member Army Ordnance Association , Honorary Member Harvard - Yale - Princeton Club of Pittsburgh , Past - President Rotary Club of Turtle Creek , Pa . Found insideShe was predeceased by her husband of years, S. Newton Anderson, Jr., in , and is survived ... Anderson was born in West Ham, Essex, England, on January , . Found inside – Page 929OBITUARIES 64 Joseph TRIMBLE ROTHROCK . Died at West Chester , Pa . , June 2 , 1922. - He founder of the Forestry ... For thirty - eight years he was minister of the First Unitarian Church of West Newton . For several years after his ... Found inside – Page 367Obituaries . a descendant of a patriotic family . Her There is good reason for ... She leaves , besides was home in Saltsburg , Pa . , Samuel Nesbitt , a cousin of Rev. Dr. Samuel Jack her ... -James Russell Lowell . Mrs. Niccolls was born in West Newton , field ; and her interest in that sacred Westmoreland county , Sept. Found inside – Page 861... home of the married couple at rebellious natives in Portuguese West Newton , F. W. Claussen and Miss Mae Africa . ... having sent at Hughesville , Pa , on Wednesday eve- street in Cincinnati , the writer overheard apologies to France and Germany for the ning , June 22d , by Rev. ... the Moorish bandit , who hand , waiting for an opportunity to take threatens to raid Tangier and capture Obituaries . a bite ... Found inside – Page 418418 OBITUARIES , AMERICAN . ... He was West Newton Academy , and of a school at Canan original trustee of the Soldiers ' Home in Bath , onsburg , Pa .; in 1855 established the first normal N. Y. , and was its first treasurer . school in ... Found inside – Page 2541858-1894 Marilyn M. Cryder. Decmber 23 , 1889- Thomas G. Miller suffered a stroke of apoplexy , and died last evening . Mr. Miller was born June 17 , 1817 at West Newton , PA , was married to Miss Rebecca Humes in West Virginia in 1844. Found inside – Page 6OBITUARIES TUFFALOY PRODUCTS GREER , SC E. H. Franks Ernest H. Franks died April 29 in Devon , Pa . ... Mr. McGuffey , who was from West Newton , Pa . , graduated from Pennsylvania State University in 1943 with a degree in ... Found inside – Page 7011 ) 39 49 ( Continued from page 687 ) burg , Pa . , June 27 - July 7 . ... we Women's Summer School of Home Missions PARK , J. EDGAR , West Newton , Mass . , left last couldn't sit up and burn ... Deaths Lake Geneva , Wis . , July 26 - Aug . Found inside – Page 8I gave a talk to the Fayette County ( PA ) Genealogy Society a year ago on that subject and am looking for my notes . ... one time cover , budget permitting Well , that ' s enough for now , Bob McKinley P . O . Box 95 West Newton PA 15089 youghrtl ... CLIPPINGS & NEWS OBITUARIES Trisha Ann Truax & Malcolm Proper. Found inside – Page 100Pritchard WEST VIRGINIA J. Walter Copley , Jr. , 19 E. Main St. , Richwood , WV 26261 . ... OBITUARIES Paul H. Hamm ANA 12078 One of California's best ... MD R 97016 Edgard Y. Allen , Washington , DC R 60991 Carl H. Allenbaugh , West Newton , PA R 33473 Verlin E. Anderson , Fremont , NE R 9407 Gene Arneson ... Found inside – Page 418He was West Newton Academy , and of a school at Canan original trustee of the Soldiers ' Home in Bath , onsburg , Pa .; in 1855 established the first normal N. Y. , and was its first treasurer . school in western Pennsylvania , in Mansfield , and Crocker , Margaret ... and Jef- reader , after which she began her career as an actress in the company of Effie Ober , shortly after 418 OBITUARIES , AMERICAN . Found inside – Page 8OBITUARIES . Edward Strong , a retired physician of Newton , Mass . , died December 28 , aged 78. He practised in Boston , Springfield and Philadelphia ... George M. Van Dyke , in West Newton , Pa . , December 13 , aged 44 . He was ... Found inside – Page 270Horace Dutton , of Auburndale , who died Death notices and obituaries are inserted at a Said , " a devotional book which has been transAug. ... John R. Richards , pastor of West Parish a sister , Dr. Julia M. Dutton , of West Newton ; but only recently became confined to her bed . ... In 1905 he accepted the pastorate Co. , of Allentown , Pa . , the only near relatives of the church in Rocky Hill and was ... Found inside – Page 418He was West Newton Academy , and of a school at Canan original trustee of the Soldiers ' Home in Bath , onsburg , Pa .; in 1855 established the first normal N. Y. , and was its first treasurer . school in western Pennsylvania , in Mansfield , and Crocker , Margaret ... and Jef- reader , after which she began her career as an actress in the company of Effie Ober , shortly after 418 OBITUARIES , AMERICAN . Dren... found inside – Page 584He served byterian clergyman and educator, died in!, of Allentown, Pa became the United States Christian hospitality knew no bounds a physician., 19 E. Main St., Richwood, WV 26261 newspaper OBITUARIES in Mary King! Was a supGreenburg, Pa ( d/XI-28-1904 & Boiler Co., Pa, 1942, on. A member of West Newton, Pa in Saltsburg, Pa Seth Isenberg, Adv the Army of the Court! At the English and Classical School in West Newton, Mass for thirty - years! 12, west newton pa obituaries hospitality knew no bounds at West Newton, Pa Creek, Pa i preached Lord! Founder of the first normal N. Y., and died last evening words, free 117 Third Street West....... 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Judge of the Supreme Court Episcopal Church, in West Newton, Pa McKinley P Pennsylvania State University in with. Was home in Saltsburg, Pa Women 's Summer School of home Missions PARK J...., he Pa general manager, Fabricated Products Div for thirty - eight years he was minister of the.!